- latest (boolean)display the most recent entry
- order (entry_id) (date)order results by entry date or entry id, defaults to entry_id
- order_type (ASC) (DESC)descending or ascending, used with "order" parameter
- page (int)currently selected page
- page_rows (int)number of rows per page
- tags (string)display only entries with matching tag(s) (comma separated)
- tagsHide (string)ommit matching tagged entries
- entry_id (int)display a specific entry
- forthcoming (boolean)display entries with a date set to the current day or in the future
- select (string)retrieve only certain fields for speed (comma separated)
JSON Output
- {
- "entry_id":"104",
- "title":"Event title",
- "location":"Event location",
- "venue":"Information about the venue",
- "venue_link":"",
- "stars":"A list of people starring at the event.",
- "book":"",
- "fee":"$10.00",
- "time":"9.00pm - 11.00pm",
- "description":"A description of the event",
- "image":"",
- "event_date":"2017-01-31",
- "duration":"2",
- "tags":"Tag1, Tag2, Tag3",
- "ticket_id":"576",
- "date":"1338418800",
- "image_list" : [
- {
- "image":"",
- "image_thumb":"",
- "caption":"Event image 1",
- "width":"900",
- "height":"450"